I’m still remodeling this site to be easier for you to navigate and find content, and I’ve buttonholed a few readers to get their opinions. As a result, you’ll soon see the first draft of changes to the table of contents widget, and the addition of subscription and shareable e-mail link widgets.
Special thanks to Mike Sherman for his suggestions.
Try Gene Ambaum’s Library Comic, a web comic about… libraries. Gene and a cadre of his favorite artists, such as Willow Payne (see the “About” page on his site), publish a humorous web comic that is ostensibly about libraries, but is as much about human nature as anything else.
Trust me. Try it. Have a laugh. Maybe discover a new book or some amazing merchandise. Check out Library Comic.
Breaking news! Library Comic is now published twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday. And book reviews are also published twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday.
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