
Perhaps you guessed my influences in “Panthers” are almost anything by the author, William Sydney Porter, who is better known by his pen name, O. Henry; and the Twilight Zone adaptation (1962) of Damon Knight’s short story, “To Serve Man” (1950). 

My only regret is that I couldn’t think of a more original ending than those writers could have imagined. But on second thought, I should temper my regret. It would be hubris to compare myself to those literary giants. Better that I should lift my head, and keep trying. Which is probably good advice for us all.

I’m planning one of two possible posts for next time. One is seasonal, and the other is about what I learned trying to write flash fiction, that is, a short-short story limited to 750 words or less. 

See my choice next post. Until then, take care, read something fun, and keep writing.

Tell your friends about it!

Then make new friends, and tell them!

Moebius Theater (paraphrased)

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